


What are Rules for?


Newsletter Recommendations




Campaign Landing Page








Publish the rules in test-mode.

Allows you to edit the rules as JSON data. (this is more for advanced users)

Opens a dialog to add a new rule.


Widget column

Displays the Widget but also lets you edit it by clicking on it.

Item id column

Displays the value of the effect of this rule.

Context column

Displays the search query and context item of the context of the rule.

Effect column

Displays the effect type and if available, it’s value.

Force include column

Displays whether the rule should be force included.

Click to view and edit the rule.

Click to make an exact copy of the rule.

Click to remove the rule.



1.5.2 Dialog Context



Or filter

Decides if it is an or-filter or a and-filter

Allows you to select what kind of context you would like to add using the add button.

Adds a new context according to what is currently selected in the dropdown.

Search query*

Allows you to specify a search query that this rule will apply to.

Context item*

Allows you to specify a context item that this rule will apply to.

Context parameters

Allows you to set a parameter and its value that the rule will apply to.


Allows you to specify a test variant that this rule should apply to.

Filter dropdown

Allows you to select a field

Filter value

Click on the blue underlined value to edit. Allows you to set a filter value.


Opens the inline response dialog to make a query and add a result.


Deletes the filter.

*Can only be added once Effect




Select which field should be affected.


Select what value should be affected.

Opens the inline response dialog to search for and add values.

Effect type

Select what kind of effect the rule will have:

  • Add/exclude an item from the result list.

  • Boost an item to the top of the result list.

  • Put an item at a set rank in the result list.

Boost weight

Amount that this item will be boosted.

Rank in position

Set the rank at which this rule should be positioned at.

Force include

If set, this forces the item to be included in the context.



1.5.3 Ranking Configuration for Search Use-Case

Navigate to the testing site in our intelligence. Configure the request for the search.

In the “General” tab first select the “search” strategy, set the language and the mode to “test mode with live data”.

Switch to the “context” tab and enter the query in the first text field. Press “Get results”.



Press on “Add rule” for the product you want to configure the rule.



Set the “Effect type” to “rank” and define the position. As you press “Save” the result will automatically reload with the rule you defined. Check if the result is correct and proceed to publish your changes as per chapter 7.3 “Standard Publishing”.

Note: In the configuration for the ranking it’s important that the first position is defined and to continuously increment the position if other products are defined. It’s not possible to skip positions.



1.5.4 Ranking Configuration for Navigation Use-Case

Navigate to the testing site in our intelligence. Configure the request for the navigation.

In the “General” tab first select the “navigation” strategy, set the language and the mode to “test mode with live data”.



Switch to the “context” tab and set the filter with the category Id you want the ranking to apply to.


Press “Get results”.


Press on “Add rule” for the product you want to configure the rule.


In the “Context” section select in the drop-down “Filters” and press “Add”. Set the field you want to filter on, in this case “Category” and set the value in the text field. Set the “Effect type” to “rank” and define the position. As you press “Save” the result will automatically reload with the rule you defined. Check if the result is correct and proceed to publish your changes as per chapter 7.3 “Standard Publishing”.

Note: In the configuration for the ranking it’s important that the first position is defined and to continuously increment the position if other products are defined. It’s not possible to skip positions.

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