Standard List View Features

Standard List View Features

Most of the the Boxalino Winning Interactions admin menus are based on the Standard List View, including the following views:

  • Search (most sub-menus)

  • Marketing (All sub-menus)

  • Merchandising (All sub-menus)

  • Data (All sub-menus)

  • Advanced (most sub-menus)

In this article, we describe all the Standard List functionalities.

Overview View

Example view of the Standard List for Facets

The Standard List View appears as a list of entries on a table with several columns.

The Table appears by default with 10 rows, but it can be changed on the bottom right to 25, 50 or 100 rows.

The name of the columns will be different on each view, but most of the time, a column is filterable and orderable (filterable, because you can type a word in the text box below the column header to filter the list and orderable because you can order the rows in an ascending or descending way by clicking on the arrows on the right of each column header)

The first column is always called “Selected” and let you select more than 1 row at a time (or all row if you click on the “Check All” checkbox on the bottom left of the screen).

Main Top Actions

On the top, above the table, you can

  • Add (big green button on the left)
    Create a new entry in the table
    (will appear on the top first, but it might go to the end of the table after some modifications, in which case you might have to paginate to the last page if you already have many entries)

  • Test / Push Data (big green button on the right)
    Depending on the view, the button will be “Test” or “Push Data”, it depends on what the view is.

    If the view is a system configuration which should be published, the button will indicate “Test”.
    This is the case for example of the Facets.
    After clicking the Test Button, you should wait for a few minutes and test the changes in your stage front-end (or in the Test view of the admin) and then, you can publish them in the publish view

    If the view is a data configuration which should be pushed live, the button will indicate “Push Data”.
    This is the case for example for the Campaigns.
    After clicking the Push Data button, you should wait for 10-20 minutes and then your changed content will be deployed live on the web-site (no need to publish anything in the admin).

Actions Column (icons on most-right column of each row):

On the right of each row, you have 3 action icons you can click on:

  • Edit (the pencil) which opens a dialog box where you can edit the configuration entry

  • Duplicate (the double document) to make a copy of the selected row

  • Delete (the trash icon) to delete the selected row

Bottom Left (batch) Actions

The following (batch) actions can be accomplished by clicking on the buttons appearing on the bottom left of the screen:

  • Export Selection (at least one row must be selected first)
    the selection is exported to the clip-board, and then imported in another view
    (for advanced users, it is also possible to view the underlying configuration data)

  • Import (you should have copied a configuration to the clip-board first)
    you can paste a configuration from the clip-board
    (it will appear as JSON data, but even you don’t know what it is, you can simply click on the import button after pasting it in the text area)

  • Delete selected entries (at least two rows must be selected first)
    you can delete several rows and delete them in one batch action
    (same result as deleting the rows one by one)

  • Copy to Linked accounts (only works if you have configured linked accounts first)
    you can copy the selected rows to your other linked accounts

Active/Inactive elements

Some (but not all) of the views (for example Campaigns) also have a Status Active/Inactive functionality:

Campaign view show a check box “show inactive”, a status switch on each row on the right and a “Delete inactive entries” button at the bottom

By default, these views will hide all inactive records. To see the inactive records, you must check the box “Show Inactive” on the top-right.

Each entry has a green (or gray) switch on the very end of the Actions Column (most-right column) which switches a specific entry from active to inactive.

By default, if you set a row to become inactive, it will disappear, as the “Show Inactive” is not checked by default. To re-activate the entry first check it and then find it in the list and click on the switch action again.

The option “Delete inactive Entries” on the bottom allows you to delete all inactive entries (you can refine your selection in the appearing dialog after clicking on the button).


On the top right, you have an advanced Cog-wheel menu showing the following options (might vary depending on the view).

These options are to be used only by advanced users:

  • JSON
    View all the records in their json format.
    Warning: if you change it and press “save” all the entries will be adapted to the new data. So if you remove them all then all will be deleted.

  • Edit Schema
    Some of the views are relying on a JSON schema, in which case you can edit it there

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