Framework Integration

Framework Integration

The integration of the Boxalino API is divided in 3 layers:

  1. Framework Layer : it includes the API bundle and base features abstracts & structures which can be used for the integration.

  2. Data Exporter Layer : exports the environment product, customers & transactions information

  3. Integration Layer : part of the client`s project codebase, manages the integrated features logic, templates, etc

For a PHP environment, it has been designed an API library (ex: https://github.com/boxalino/rtux-api-php/wiki ) which provides the data contracts for the API response and request.

Throughout the work on the API integration, the use of the Boxalino Intelligence Admin is imminent https://intelligence.bx-cloud.com/# .

The credentials to be used are the Boxalino account name and password provided on the project kick-off.


Helpful Links

  1. Narrative API - Technical Reference

  2. Integration Guide with default Narratives

  3. Request https://github.com/boxalino/rtux-api-php/wiki/Request

  4. Response https://github.com/boxalino/rtux-api-php/wiki/Response

  5. Layout https://github.com/boxalino/rtux-api-php/wiki/Layout

  6. Boxalino Intelligence Admin https://github.com/boxalino/rtux-api-php/wiki/Boxalino-Intelligence-Admin

    1. Official Documentation Documentation


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