3. How to contextualize a facet?

Would you like a facet to only appear in specific situations, but not always?

If a facet should appear or not appear in different situations, you can enter several configurations for the same facet but with different contexts.

Facet configurations are applied from the most general to the most specific (for example, if you have 3 configurations, one which is general, one for category A and one for category A >> B, then the last one will have priority in the category A >> B. In that case, the first two configurations will only apply for parameters which are are left “unchanged” by the third one).

To contextualize a configuration, you can add a Parameter in the Context Tab and select "Filters" and then press "Add". You can then select for example Property "Category" and enter a category id (there is an autocomplete helper if you only know the name of the category).

For example, if a facet should be hidden in general, appear in category A: then set 2 configurations. The first will be general with Evaluate=false. The second contextual to Category A with Evaluate=true.

For maintenance reasons, refrain from using more contextualization than needed. Instead, consider the parameter "Min Display Coverage". For example, with a value of 0.5, the Facet will only appear, if the sum of its value counters is bigger than 50%.