3. Custom JSON Schema

3. Custom JSON Schema

The content to be displayed by your template is defined by a JSON Schema which will generate the correct Input-Form in the Narrative Editor

Each of your template will need a specific structure to receive its content in a way you can directly display it. In addition to simply having different parameter names (e.g.: an image will need source and a link, while a title a sub-title will need to text entries), your template might need different structures (e.g.: a list of bullets points might require an array of strings or even an array of objects).

To support all these possibilities, you can freely create a JSON schema which should be compatible with the format of the JDORN editor here : http://jeremydorn.com/json-editor/.

This link will help you test your JSON schema and preview what the UI form for the administrator of the Narrative will be.

Please condiser providing the right format and sub-titles for each parameters so it is easy for the Narrative administrator to understand what content should be provided in each input field.

For multi-lingual parameters, please stricly use the following pattern: make your pareameter value an object with following structure.

This way, you will receive directly the language value in that proeprty and not the sturcture (so you don't have to parse which language parameter you should use, you will directly receive only the value in the current language. Please follow strictly this structure