1. What are Layout Blocks?

1. What are Layout Blocks?

Layout Blocks declares your Front-End Templates to be usable in Narratives

Technical Set-up:

Layout Blocks is the way to delcare in Boxalino's Intelligence Admin what are the Narrative templates you have prepared and deployed in your front-end.

Typically, for each Narrative Template of your frontend, you will have one Layout Block declared, but you might want, in some cases, to have several Layout Blocks declared for the same templates, but with different parameters or a different JSON Schema.

Once a Layout Block is declared in this view, it can be used in any Narrative as an layout element. The standard parameters you have defined are not editable by the Narrative user and will be always set with the values you set in the Layout Block parameters, but the JSON Schema you define in the Layout Block will generate an Input Form in the Narrative that can be filled. The JSON Schema can be as simple or complex as you want and can include lists and sub-structures.

As Narrative Templates are not conncted to any specific content (the content is provided by providing value matching your JSON schema), it is recommended to name theme not by their use cases, but by the templating logic (for example: "banner_with_left_text" is bettern than "brand_banner", as in fact, it could be used for something else than

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