PCS - Smart Bestsellers

PCS - Smart Bestsellers


Best-selling trends, recent product changes (price reductions, novelties)


Use Cases




Use Cases






You will need to select the name of the product attribute you want to promote

* the Use Cases configuration is provided as SCORER with a default weight of 500. You will need to adjust the weight to have the desired strength in the results.


  • field: the name of the product attribute

Cases to consider

You might want to configure this Best Practice several times, for example for the following cases

  • Products all-time sales (select the attribute “Bq Order Count All Time”)

  • Products all-time revenue (select the attribute “Bq Order Revenue All Time”)

  • Products all-time margin (select the attribute “Bq Order Profit All Time”)

  • consider also using other time ranges
    (by default: short-term = 3 months, mid-term = 12 months, season-year = 11-13 months ago, week-day = current day of the week)

How to configure it?

You can import the JSON below directly in the Admin (use the Import button on the top right), as in this screen-shot, you will need to select a field (product attribute)

You can use the search icon on the right of the field parameter to get help to select the right field and value.

[ { "useCaseModelSource": "library", "useCaseModelId": 9, "useCaseModelVersion": 1, "useCaseModelSubVersion": 1, "name": "Smart Bestsellers", "order": "1", "orGroup": null, "fromIndex": -1, "toIndex": -1, "maxWeight": null, "variant": "", "scope": "local", "overwriteLevel": 1, "overwriteLabel": null, "globalTargetTags": [], "active": true, "parameters": [ { "name": "field", "value": { "format": "FieldParameterValue", "value": "{{field}}" }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "minValue", "value": { "format": "NumberParameterValue", "value": -10 }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "maxValue", "value": { "format": "NumberParameterValue", "value": -90 }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "boostWeight", "value": { "format": "StringParameterValue", "value": "500" }, "scope": "global", "startval": {}, "schema": "" } ], "segmentationIds": [], "segmentationUniqueKeys": [], "CPOInitiativeId": null, "notes": null, "options": { "status": null, "includeWidgets": null, "excludeWidgets": null, "allWidgets": null, "conditionalSegments": null, "conditionalProductSelections": null, "ordering": null, "parameters": [ { "name": "system", "values": [ "false" ] } ], "allLinkedAccounts": null, "accounts": null }, "icons": { "strategy": { "value": "cpo_sales.png", "tooltip": "SALES OPTIMIZATION" }, "level": { "value": "L1", "tooltip": "LEVEL 1 - ONLINE CONVERSIONS" }, "initiative": { "value": "fa-folder", "tooltip": "EFFECTIVE PROMOTIONS" }, "character": { "value": "", "tooltip": "" }, "mode": { "label": "", "value": "", "tooltip": "" } }, "sections": [ { "id": "main", "label": "Values", "active": false }, { "id": "advanced", "label": "Advanced", "active": false } ], "status": true, "isSelected": true } ]

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