PCS - Widget Display $Value Self-Learning

PCS - Widget Display $Value Self-Learning


Promote products based on the self-learning of the Widget click/display score, either directly on the number of clicks or on the conversion, average bought value, or margin generated by the clicks

Display = visual impression detected on the screen of the user before, during, and after scrolling on the page


Use Cases




Use Cases




Product Attribute Scorer


You will need to decide if you want to use the CTR or the BTR self-learning

* the Use Cases configuration is provided as SCORER with a default weight of 500. You will need to adjust the weight to have the desired strength in the results.


  • field: the name of the product attribute

Cases to consider

You might want to configure this Best Practice several times, for example for the following cases

  • Click-Through-Rate (CTR) self-learning
    (BigQuery field: “Bq Widget Navigation Ctr Group Id* Short Term**”)

  • Buy-Through-Rate (BTR) self-learning
    (BigQuery field: “Bq Widget Navigation Btr Group Id* Short Term**”)

* Group Id: it means that you want the statistics per Product Group. If you want, you can also use another grouping field (check the list of available fields in the Field Explorer)

** Short Term: we typically suggest considering the Short Term period (3 months) as otherwise, the statistics do not improve fast enough

How to configure it?

You can import the JSON below directly in the Admin (use the Import button on the top right), as in this screen-shot, you will need to select a field (product attribute)

You can use the search icon on the right of the field parameter to get help to select the right field and value.

[ { "useCaseModelSource": "library", "useCaseModelId": 9, "useCaseModelVersion": 1, "useCaseModelSubVersion": 1, "name": "Widget Display $Value Self-Learning", "order": "26", "orGroup": null, "fromIndex": -1, "toIndex": -1, "maxWeight": null, "variant": "", "scope": "local", "overwriteLevel": 1, "overwriteLabel": null, "globalTargetTags": null, "active": true, "parameters": [ { "name": "field", "value": { "format": "FieldParameterValue", "value": "{{field}}" }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "minValue", "value": { "format": "NumberParameterValue", "value": -10 }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "maxValue", "value": { "format": "NumberParameterValue", "value": -90 }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "boostWeight", "value": { "format": "StringParameterValue", "value": "500" }, "scope": "global", "startval": {}, "schema": "" } ], "segmentationIds": null, "segmentationUniqueKeys": [], "CPOInitiativeId": null, "notes": null, "options": { "status": null, "includeWidgets": null, "excludeWidgets": null, "allWidgets": null, "conditionalSegments": null, "conditionalProductSelections": null, "ordering": null, "parameters": [ { "name": "system", "values": [ "false" ] } ], "allLinkedAccounts": null, "accounts": null }, "icons": { "strategy": { "value": "cpo_sales.png", "tooltip": "SALES OPTIMIZATION" }, "level": { "value": "L1", "tooltip": "LEVEL 1 - ONLINE CONVERSIONS" }, "initiative": { "value": "fa-folder", "tooltip": "EFFECTIVE PROMOTIONS" }, "character": { "value": "", "tooltip": "" }, "mode": { "label": "", "value": "", "tooltip": "" } }, "sections": [ { "id": "main", "label": "Values", "active": true }, { "id": "advanced", "label": "Advanced", "active": false } ], "isSelected": true } ]

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