Product Attribute Promoter

Product Attribute Promoter

This use-case is used to either filter or boost a specific range of products based on a product attribute. For example, you can create a strategy to only show products, which are made in Switzerland or make sure that products from a specific brand appear first in the search results.

The use-case can be configured like this:

Field: The field you want to set the filter on

Values: The values you want to filter or promote

Amplify: Promote the values to higher positions or filter all other values out .

In the fourth tab (advanced) you can choose the operator (equals, contains, does not contain, …).

The boost weight is the value which defines how much the products should be amplified.

The Options and Settings tabs are explained further below. When you are satisfied, you can click Save & Test and then go to the test-view to see if the behaviour is like what you wanted.

On the left side you have the products without the use-case active and on the right side you have the use-case active as a promoter. The Products, that have the attribute Hiking in the Field are promoted to higher positions and the products, which don't are displayed lower. If the use-case is configured as a filter, the products, which don't have the attribute Hiking, are not displayed at all. To see the values in the fields, you have to add the fieldname in the advanced-tab of the test-view

under display-fields

Newsletter Campaign Parameters

A different case where this use-case us used, could be with newsletter campaigns.

For example, you want to send out a promotion e-mail, for the Brand LÖFFELER. First you navigate to the widget you want to use for the newsletter images, in this case we will use the widget newsletter.

Add the Product Attribute Promoter to the configuration and select the field you want to filter on. For this example, we will use the field products_brand. After clicking on the - button and selecting the desired value (LÖFFELER), you can untick the amplify-button to filter out all the other products.

The next step is adding the campaign parameter. Go to the settings-tab and click on the - button to open the quick segment creator. In the first field select REQUEST_CONTEXT_PARAMETER and in the second, you can write your desired parameter. (It can be whatever you like.) Then click add.



When you're done, click on Save&Test and then make sure that the correct products appear in the test view by adding the parameter in the context-tab in the test view.

Check if the products, that appear are the correct ones and if they are, publish the account. You can also add the brand-field in the advanced-tab to make sure of this.

The newsletter link could therefore look like this:





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