Request for contents made to the CPO engine. Requests are events.
Field name | Type | Mode | Description |
request_id | STRING | REQUIRED | PK, Is a concatenation of a BUNDLE_ID and REQUEST_ORDER_NUM (a generated sequential number), source does not deliver IDs for individual requests. |
variant_id | STRING | NULLABLE | PK, Variants represent different strategies available for handling the same request. They are available as ad hoc choices for client system. |
bundle_id | STRING | REQUIRED | Is identification of an API call to the CPO engine. For performance reasons several logical requests get bundled together. System provides an ID for the bundle only, individual requests can be identified using their relative order inside the bundle. |
request_ts | TIMESTAMP | REQUIRED | Is the timestamp of the original request bundle. It is repeated across tables to partition data by date for fast access. |
session_id | STRING | REQUIRED | Ā |
request_order_num | INTEGER | REQUIRED | A generated sequential number indicating the position of the request in the bundle |
choice_id | STRING | NULLABLE | Ā |
scenario_id | STRING | NULLABLE | Ā |
context_list | BYTES | REPEATED | Is an ARRAY<BYTES> that contains a list of context_id's representing different request parameters. |
language_cd | STRING | NULLABLE | Ā |
groupby_cd | STRING | NULLABLE | Ā |
offset | INTEGER | REQUIRED | Ā |
query_txt | STRING | NULLABLE | represents the original text entered by a user during a search, is sourced from inquiry.searchQuery.queryText attribute of a request |
final_query_txt | STRING | NULLABLE | represents the modifed query text of a response, is sourced from variant.searchResult.queryText attribute of a response |
sort_field_name | STRING | NULLABLE | Ā |
sort_direction_cd | STRING | NULLABLE | Ā |
KPI_list | RECORD | REPEATED | list of KPIs, each KPI is technically represented by a STRUCT of (kpi_name string,kpi_val_num numeric,kpi_val_text string) |
KPI_list.Ā kpi_name | STRING | REQUIRED | Ā |
KPI_list.Ā kpi_val_num | NUMERIC | NULLABLE | Ā |
KPI_list.Ā kpi_val_text | STRING | NULLABLE | Ā |
creation_tm | DATETIME | REQUIRED | technical field |
client_id | INTEGER | REQUIRED | technical field |
src_sys_id | INTEGER | REQUIRED | technical field |