JS Tracker Check-List

JS Tracker Check-List

When releasing a block of recommendations or a product listing, make sure the tracking is properly set-up by running the following checks:


Check that tracker is enabled

  1. Open the Network tab and set a filter on “bav2” to see only the Boxalino JavaScript tracker.

If you can find the bav2.min.js script on the page - the tracker is present.


2. Open the Network tab and set a filter on “v2” to see the tracking events sent to Boxalino.

On every page, there is a pageView tracker event.


Check the HTML tags

Make sure that the container div (in red in the screen-shot below) has the following properties as described in the Tracker API documentation: https://boxalino.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BPKB/pages/8716641/JS+Tracker+API#Narrative-HTML-markup-requirements .

  1. data-bx-variant-uuid (should be a unique value appearing only once on the page with unique identifying like "ae313d89-95a5-47e4-bee4-b5864011d3a0")

  2. data-bx-narrative-name (should be a string value like "products-list")

  3. data-bx-narrative-group-by (should be the name of the group-by of the products displayed, like "products_group_id")

  4. the class “bx-narrative

Make sure that the product div (in blue in the screen-shot below) has the following properties:

  1. data-bx-item-id with the value of the group by field of the product (e.g.: “998" if this is the “products_group_id” of this product)

  2. the class “bx-narrative-item

  3. the class “bx-basket-add” on the sub-div with the add-to-basket button

(other cases like Basket “quantity” element, Basket “price” element and Basket “currency” element are documented in the Tracker API documentation, but not listed here as they are optional).

Check the scrollImpression tracking:

Open the Network tab and set a filter on “bx-cloud” to see only the events sent to Boxalino.

After loading the page and scrolling to the products, you should see an event of the type “scrollImpression” as below. Make sure that the indicated “_v-uuid” of the tracked items match the value of the tag “data-bx-variant-uuid”, and that the indicated “id” match the items tag “data-bx-item-id”.

In case you have arrows (like in the screen-shot here) to see more products by clicking left or right on the product slider, make sure that additional scrollImpression events are sent when the arrows are clicked, as new products appear on the screen of the user.

Check the click tracking:

Click on “preserve log” in your networking tag so changing page doesn’t make you loose the networking information.

Try to click both on the product itself (if needed at the different places the products can be clicked in case of several separate links) as well as clicking directly on the “add to basket” if available.

If you click on the product, the network should show a click event with the correct _v-uuid and id values (same way to check as in for scrollImpression), like here:

If you click on the add-to-basket of the product, the network should show an addToBasket event with the correct custom__v-uuid, customer__v-group-by and id values (same way to check as in for scrollImpression), like here:


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