CloudConvert Assistance

CloudConvert Assistance

Please check the Newsletter Integration Manual in case you want to:

  1. Edit the template

  2. Update the template

  3. Integrate the rest API links in your newsletter template

In the following manual will be detailed how to fix exceptional issues:

  1. Missing images on the server

  2. Missing product/blog image on the generated image from the server

  3. Errors during the newsletter integration (for the img link)

  4. Errors during the newsletter integration (for the redirect link)

  5. Incomplete picture on the FTP server

Understanding the issue

It is relevant to understand why there is an issue with the link used in the newsletter.

Per general instructions, in the newsletter it is used:

  1. The redirect (ex: https://track.bx-cloud.com/p13n.rest/redirect?<parameters>) as the link to which the client is redirected when clicking on the picture. The value returned by the Boxalino REST API matches the configured rest_redirect field in the existing data index.

  2. The img  (ex: https://track.bx-cloud.com/p13n.rest/img?<parameters>) as the source of the image. When this link is requested, the property. The value returned by the Boxalino REST API matches the configured rest_img field in the existing data index.

Mostly, the issue happens when:

  1. the data index fields (rest_img, rest_redirect) are not available

  2. the requested image can not be accessed from the FTP server configured for the newsletter integration. This is a server which, in most cases, is the e-shop itself.

  3. the products image is not available on the server (ex: it is too big and CloudConvert can not manage to download it during content generation, the image has been replaced/removed, etc)

  4. the newsletter image was not fully created

It is possible to identify what image will be displayed to the user by using the imgRedirect link (ex: https://track.bx-cloud.com/p13n.rest/imgRedirect?<parameters>).

View the generated image in Intelligence Admin

In order to view the generated image in Boxalino Intelligence Admin it is needed to know the id of the entity (product, blog, banner, etc).

  1. Identifying the ID through the Boxalino Intelligence Testing View


  2. Retrieving the URL for the Newsletter Image Template in Boxalino Intelligence 3rd Party Push View



The URL looks something like:


You can edit the language parameter to check the view for another language, and you must set the entity ID (from step 1) in order to load the content for the product/blog/banner/etc.

Trigger the image generation for specific IDs

If the image does not exist on your server or it was not fully created - you can consider triggering the event for the IDs of interest.

In order to do so:

1. Identify the product/blog ID for which the image was not fully created by using the imgRedirect link (ex: https://track.bx-cloud.com/p13n.rest/imgRedirect?<parameters>). The generated link will end with <language>_<product_id>.jpg. Use the product_id value.

2. Identify the trigger (it is explicit) and select “Prod >> Execute”

3. Set the field, values and click on “Yes, Continue!” button


Make sure to check in the next 2-3min.

The images are being cached by the destination server. For this purpose, we recommend to use the imgRedirect link in order to generate non-cached links.


Manually create an image and upload on the destination server

If the image is returned BUT the product/blog/banner image is not displayed , it might be due to the fact that:

  1. the image size was too big and CloudConvert could not load it on time for the image generation.

  2. the image is not available on your server and CloudConvert was not able to use it in the template

If this is the case, you can manually create the image.

  1. Access the generated image view in Intelligence Admin

  2. Download the view as HTML (right-click with the mouse >> Save as..). The .html file name must match the .jpg name accessed via the imgRedirect link.

  3. Edit the downloaded .html file (ex: remove the JS, remove the dependencies to local files, update the product image URL if needed, etc)

  4. Test the .html in your browser. If you`re happy with how it looks - it can be used as source to generate the image.

  5. Go to https://cloudconvert.com/html-to-jpg

  6. Load the file and set the sizes of the picture (available through content inspect on the HTML view)



  7. Pay attention to how the .html file is named - it will be the picture name as well. Click on “Convert”



  8. Download the file



  9. Identify the FTP configurations in the 3rd Party Push view (make sure to check the process which is used for the generated image). Use FileZilla or another FTP application of your choice.



  10. Upload the file to the FTP to the indicated “path” in the configurations.

Now the file has either been updated or added to your FTP.

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