What is the value of this report?
In this page the focus is on the product properties which are bought together.
the value is in the ability to filter by source-/target-property and other dimensions. also to show data from e-shop.
you can select the source or target product property to filter a basic table connected to all your orders.
the second table is connected to the sessions so it only shows data for sessions with your website.
to be considerd:
add source_system as group by for product and product_bought_together tables
this way we could avoid confusion by setting the default filter to only show data for the e-shop.
How to use this report?
select from different filters
Key Dimensions
source product property name
target product property name
Other Dimensions & Filters
Time Selector: session_start_ts, order_tm
(Source:) source_system
source owner:
target owner:
parameter value
Key Metrics
Common orders
common baskets
common product views
Other Metrics
margin: margin of target product
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