6. Scorers
Each scorer Use Case is creating a weighted score which is added to the aggregated score if the scorer condition is successful. The results matching the filters and the rankers with the highest aggregated score appear first.
Product Attribute Promoter : that's the standard case to create any ranker based on your product attributes (new products, a specific brand of products, ...)
Product Attribute Scorer : requires a (non multi-value) numerical product attribute (e.g.: number of sales) and then boost the products according to their value (considering a min / max). A product with a value of 20, considering a min of 10 and a max of 30 and a boostWeight of 500 will get 250 of score ( 500 * (20-10) / (30-10) = 250)
Article-Based Repeater : only for up-sell and cross-sell WPO: create a matching ranker with the current PDP or current basket products (e.g.: same brand, same category, ...)
Product Attribute Value Retargeting : personalize on the prior product views of the visitor (most of the time should be a Scorer)
Promote purchased items & Attribute Values : personalize on the prior product purchases of the visitor (most of the time should be a Scorer)
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