VJP - Viewed Low/High End

VJP - Viewed Low/High End


Promote products or content in the same Price Quadrant as previously viewed products.
Each product is connected to a price percentile according to its group (e.g.: category), lower percentiles (e.g.: <20%) are labeled Low-End while top percentiles (e.g.. >80%) are labeled High-End.


Use Cases




Use Cases




Product Attribute Value Retargeting


The percentile distribution per leaf category must be relevant for your shop


Product Attribute Value Retargeting (Advanced)


Same Requirements

* Typically, we recommend using the advanced use-case for the CONSIDERATION journey step WPOs (e.g.: SEARCH, FIND) and to select the advanced option “onlyPriorSessions”. This way, the current session behavior will not alter the search or product listing results (which can be a UX problem if the user makes a search, clicks on a product and, when clicking back, sees the result list has changed).

** the Use Cases configuration is provided as SCORER with a default weight of 500. You will need to adjust the weight to have the desired strength in the results or change the Mode to RANKER or FILTER if you want the returned suggestions to always match this Best Practice.


  • none

How to configure it?

You can import the JSON below directly in the Admin (use the Import button on the top right)

There are no parameters to change, as the product attribute is already selected (bq_high_low_end)


[ { "useCaseModelSource": "library", "useCaseModelId": 2, "useCaseModelVersion": 1, "useCaseModelSubVersion": 1, "name": "Viewed Product Attributes", "order": "1", "orGroup": null, "fromIndex": -1, "toIndex": -1, "maxWeight": null, "variant": "", "scope": "local", "overwriteLevel": 1, "overwriteLabel": null, "globalTargetTags": [], "active": true, "parameters": [ { "name": "field", "value": { "format": "FieldParameterValue", "value": "bq_high_low_end" }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "maxHistoryDepth", "value": { "format": "NumberParameterValue", "value": 10 }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "maxAgeSeconds", "value": { "format": "StringParameterValue", "value": "0" }, "scope": "global", "startval": {}, "schema": "" }, { "name": "boostFilter", "value": { "format": "BooleanParameterValue", "value": true }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "boostWeight", "value": { "format": "StringParameterValue", "value": "500" }, "scope": "global", "startval": {}, "schema": "" }, { "name": "required", "value": { "format": "BooleanParameterValue", "value": false }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "minHistoryCount", "value": { "format": "NumberParameterValue", "value": 0 }, "scope": "global" } ], "segmentationIds": [], "segmentationUniqueKeys": [], "CPOInitiativeId": null, "notes": null, "options": { "status": null, "includeWidgets": null, "excludeWidgets": null, "allWidgets": null, "conditionalSegments": null, "conditionalProductSelections": null, "ordering": null, "parameters": [ { "name": "system", "values": [ "false" ] } ], "allLinkedAccounts": null, "accounts": null }, "icons": { "strategy": { "value": "cpo_journey.png", "tooltip": "JOURNEY OPTIMIZATION" }, "level": { "value": "L1", "tooltip": "LEVEL 1 - ENGAGEMENT JOURNEYS (4+1+4)" }, "initiative": { "value": "fa-folder", "tooltip": "EVALUATE VISITORS" }, "character": { "value": "", "tooltip": "" }, "mode": { "label": "", "value": "", "tooltip": "" } }, "sections": [ { "id": "main", "label": "Values", "active": true }, { "id": "advanced", "label": "Advanced", "active": false } ], "status": true, "isSelected": true } ]

SEARCH, FIND (and other CONSIDERATION journey step WPOs)

[ { "useCaseModelSource": "library", "useCaseModelId": 183, "useCaseModelVersion": 1, "useCaseModelSubVersion": 1, "name": "Viewed Product Attributes (prior sessions)", "order": "10", "orGroup": null, "fromIndex": -1, "toIndex": -1, "maxWeight": 1000, "variant": "", "scope": "local", "overwriteLevel": 1, "overwriteLabel": null, "globalTargetTags": null, "active": true, "parameters": [ { "name": "field", "value": { "format": "FieldParameterValue", "value": "bq_high_low_end" }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "maxHistoryDepth", "value": { "format": "NumberParameterValue", "value": 10 }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "minHistoryCount", "value": { "format": "NumberParameterValue", "value": 0 }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "maxAgeSeconds", "value": { "format": "StringParameterValue", "value": "0" }, "scope": "global", "startval": {}, "schema": "" }, { "name": "boostFilter", "value": { "format": "BooleanParameterValue", "value": true }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "boostWeight", "value": { "format": "StringParameterValue", "value": "500" }, "scope": "global", "startval": {}, "schema": "" }, { "name": "required", "value": { "format": "BooleanParameterValue", "value": false }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "minAgeSeconds", "value": { "format": "StringParameterValue", "value": "0" }, "scope": "global", "startval": {}, "schema": "" }, { "name": "limit", "value": { "format": "StringParameterValue", "value": "10" }, "scope": "global", "startval": {}, "schema": "" }, { "name": "onlyCurrentSession", "value": { "format": "BooleanParameterValue", "value": false }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "onlyLastSession", "value": { "format": "BooleanParameterValue", "value": false }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "onlyPriorSessions", "value": { "format": "BooleanParameterValue", "value": true }, "scope": "global" }, { "name": "suppressOlder", "value": { "format": "BooleanParameterValue", "value": true }, "scope": "global" } ], "segmentationIds": null, "segmentationUniqueKeys": [], "CPOInitiativeId": null, "notes": null, "options": { "status": null, "includeWidgets": null, "excludeWidgets": null, "allWidgets": null, "conditionalSegments": null, "conditionalProductSelections": null, "ordering": { "position": null, "type": null, "priority": null, "parameters": [] }, "parameters": [], "allLinkedAccounts": null, "accounts": [] }, "icons": { "strategy": { "value": "cpo_journey.png", "tooltip": "JOURNEY OPTIMIZATION" }, "level": { "value": "L1", "tooltip": "LEVEL 1 - ENGAGEMENT JOURNEYS (4+1+4)" }, "initiative": { "value": "fa-folder", "tooltip": "EVALUATE VISITORS" }, "character": { "value": "", "tooltip": "" }, "mode": { "label": "", "value": "", "tooltip": "" } }, "sections": [ { "id": "main", "label": "Values", "active": false }, { "id": "advanced", "label": "Advanced", "active": false } ], "status": true, "isSelected": true } ]

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