Data Enrichment

Data Enrichment

The data enrichment does what the name already implies: enriches the data.

A typical case for this would be if you want to define some custom data for your Products in a new Field. We would then create this field, and then you would be able to define whatever you like in this menu.

A different case could be that something in the Data is incorrect, and you want to correct it.

Enriching data is pretty simple, you want to give the configuration a name and a group. If you have Data-Owners, you can also select these. Next you have to add a segment, so you can define a set of products, for which the enrichment should be applied to. For this example, I selected the products with id=1. Next click save

Now you can add the data. Simply edit the row, select the field, you want to edit and type in the new data. After you have clicked save, you can click on Push Data. The change will be applied with the next product data sync.


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