Boxalino Real-time Marketing goes beyond Personalization

Boxalino Real-time Marketing goes beyond Personalization

What is Boxalino Real-time Marketing and why you should care

Boxalino Real-time marketing changes the way you can manage your marketing activities in 5 drastic ways:

  1. Dynamic

    So far, the only way you could be free from IT was by being static. By this, we mean that you could write static content on your home page, create a static landing page, or a static e-mail template, but you couldn’t create any new type of dynamism without your IT.

  2. X-bound

    Don’t separate your campaigns in in-bound and out-bound activities. Instead, define X-bound automated campaigns that will be presented to your customers when they come or sent to them to make them come depending on the current state of their customer journey.

  3. Optimized

    Didn’t you ever hope that you could have a real way to identify which banner, landing page, or promotion really caused a performance increase without the nightmare of complex multi-factor attribution? By running many configured and automated campaigns in parallel, you can learn which ones perform and which don’t in an objective way.

  4. Automated

    With real-time Marketing, you can reduce the number of repetitive tasks and their duration by a factor 5 to 10. First you will be much faster to set-up new campaigns and you will also benefit from many fully automated campaigns. This is important because targetting your communication is of little use if you are already struggling to create enough campaign material for the masses on a regular basis.

  5. Personalized

    Once you are Dynamic, X-bound, Optimized, and Automated, then your personalization will be much more effective. Instead of sending personalized product recommendations that are not connected to your marketing campaign subject, you can instead leverage campaign and topic affinities to not only change the products that you show but the entire communication and content message you are presenting to your customers.

How does Real-time marketing go beyond Targeted & Content Marketing?

Targeted Marketing

With Targeted Marketing, you can define relevant target segments and communicate more actively and timely with these segments, but you will be limited by the number of target segments you can manage. Most companies are already struggling to manage efficiently 5-10 segments over an extended period of time.

Content Marketing

With Content Marketing, you can create a large quantity of long-lasting content that will promote your e-shop to large audiences interested in specific topics and grow your inbound channel over time. But most companies fail to present the right piece of content at the right moment of the customer journey. It therefore mostly limited to a low-cost acquisition channel for new customers.

Real-time Marketing

With Real-time Marketing, your marketing team doesn’t need to define targeted campaigns anymore. Instead, they can connect configured and automated campaigns to marketing automation journeys which will play out by themselves as both inbound and outbound activities and identify campaigns and topic affinities so communicate them to your customers at the most relevant moment of their journey.

Why do I need to go into Real-time Marketing?

Isn’t it enough to have pre-defined offers and to promote them, like we always did?

  1. With limited campaigns, you will have limited relevance
    This first one is obvious but often under-appreciated: how many pre-defined campaigns can your marketing team manage per month? Considering that, for each campaign, the following content has to be prepared and distributed:

    1. A banner on the home page

    2. An e-mail targeted to the potentially interested customers

    3. A landing page for this e-mail campaign (and other online marketing campaigns)

    4. Other outbound activities (push-notifications, physical mails, …)

    5. Monitoring and interpretation of each campaign's results for each channel attribution

      A typical medium-sized organization can handle, at most, 5-10 of such campaigns per month.
      Now let’s consider that to be perceived as relevant, you often need to focus on the interest of a very important, but relatively small, group of 5-10% of your customer base.

      The numbers simply do not add up. Without massive Real-time marketing automation, you will only be able to paint with a large brush which will leave most customers unmoved.

  2. Liberate your marketing resources from repetitive tasks
    Have you ever set-up an automated trigger mail, like an abandoned basket e-mail? Well, that’s the blueprint for every marketing activity with Real-time Marketing: your Marketing resources will be involved in its setup and occasional improvement projects, but not in its ongoing execution, only in the monitoring and interpretation of the ongoing results.

  3. No IT involvement in Marketing projects
    Once you have established a Real-time Marketing base, the role of your IT is simple: create the next version which improves what is possible to do, but they don’t have any role ever in “having to help this special marketing project quickly”.

  4. Clarity and transparency
    Never hear again the phrase: “yes, we could have done it like it was planned, but there was [GOOD REASON 1] and [GOOD REASON 2] and therefore we only did [BAD FALL-BACK SOLUTION]”. With Real-time Marketing either you know you can accomplish a task easily with what is already in place, or you know it will be a new challenge in advance and can decide to postpone it or face it now.

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