Table of Contents


In this menu you can create groups for your users. For example, you could create a group called Plugin Development. The People should be able to access the testing so that they can check if their code works. A different group you called Documentation should have access to everything, so that they can document a complete process.

To create a new usergroup, simply click on the add-button, fill in the Label and click on save:

To edit or remove any usergroup, click on the pencil or trashcan button respectively.



1.2 Users

In this menu you can create the users, that should have access to your account. To create a new user, click on the add-button. The username should be unique and somewhat descriptive to make management easier. To en- or deactivate the user, simply adapt the Status-switch. Under Group you can define to which usergroup the user belongs to.

To save the user click on save. To edit or delete the user, click on the pencil button or the trashcan button.



1.3 User group accesses

Usergroup accesses view isch defür da zum säge weli gruppe bzw au einzelni users dörfet wenn und wie uf was zuegriife. Funktionalität für zuegriffs management selber het aber no gfehlt also isch nume de teil vom UI da zum users/gruppe bim access hinzuefüege.

This menu is used to manage the accesses for the usergroups and users. Give the access a label you can recognize and set the status of the accerss to active or inactive depending on your needs. You can grant and exclude the access from user groups and individual users specifically.

You can also define a timespan, where the access should be active. For example you could do this if you have a trainee, who is only working at your company for a week.

As above, to edit or remove the user group access, use the pencil and the trashcan button.



1.4 Licenses

This view is only used by Boxalino’s internal staff. If you want to know more, contact Boxalino directly.