What is the value of this report?
In this page the focus is on the customer distribution per product property and value on the top half.
the bottom is the distribution per product owner.
left half is per order and right side per revenue, optionally per margin.
to be considerd:
add source_system as group by for product and product_bought_together tables
this way we could avoid confusion by setting the default filter to only show data for the e-shop.
How to use this report?
select a product owner and/or property and property value
Key Dimensions
12 month orders
6 month orders
3 month orders
12 month revenue
6 month revenue
3 month revenue
key dimensions accessible trough drill down
Other Dimensions & Filters
Time Selector: session_start_ts, order_tm
(Source:) source_system
product owner
product property
product property value
Key Metrics
Number of customers