Who is Boxalino?
Boxalino is a Swiss AI company developing and operating the Winning Interactions real-time platform.
The Winning Interactions platform is connected to existing e-commerce systems, e-mail marketing systems, apps, and portals. This makes it possible to provide each visitor to an online store, portal, or app with the best possible customized user experience in real-time and in an automated way.
The automatic learnings of Artificial Intelligence can be combined with your own specifications. These are configured as guidelines and specifications, as well as supplemented by their own algorithms and predictive models.
Thus, companies of any size can get the most out of the possibilities of data science and artificial intelligence.
These optimizations achieve an additional 5% to 20% revenue percentage and improve the margin and competitiveness accordingly.
What problems do the Boxalino Platforms solve?
A broken road between UX and AI
The Data Science Dilemma
Competitive advantages thanks to Data Science and Machine Learning?
Very much so, but...
Even today, about 80% of the effort is still spent on the provision and cleansing of data.
Boxalino allows you to focus almost directly on the activities that really add value.
Data Engineering Overload, Reporting without Actions, Big but Bad Data
The solution with Boxalino Winning Interactions Platform
Data Science Ecosystem (DSE)
The power of the Google Cloud Platform™ for your e-shop success:
Your Data Science Ecosystem "out-of-the-box"!
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