Versions Compared


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We can add additional values when a new customer is acquired and an even higher value when the new customer is expected to have a high future customer lifetime value based on the first product(s) bought.


e.g. based on the first product(s) bought. There are two ways to adjust the conversion value. Either directly modify it when sending the Google Ads event or adjust it by uploading the extended value with the order identifier at a later point.

Use Case:

Additional value for new customers based on their predicted CLV.


Online Concrete steps:

  1. Request the adjusted Conversion Value from the Boxalino API by providing the information that should be used in the Calculation.

    Code Block
    curl --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "username": "your_eshop",
        "apiKey": "***",
        "apiSecret": "***",
        "dev": false,
        "test": false,
        "language": "de",
        "sessionId": "value of cems cookie",
        "profileId": "value of cemv cookie",
        "widget": "search",
        "hitCount": 1,
        "filters": [
                "field": "id",
                "values": [
        "correlations": [
                "origin": "boxalino_std_bq_custom",
                "type": "conversion-value-new-customers",
                "source": "26-1474"

    The type needs to be configured by Boxalino. In this example we expect a category_id and the zip code concatenated by “-“ to be in the source.

  2. Ensure you modify the conversion value and currency dynamically in your event snippet.

  3. Depending on the setup it might be necessary to adjust the GA4 event to ensure the correct data. Make sure to set the currency and the correct dynamic value you receive from Boxalino for the value.

    Image Added

Offline Concrete steps:

  1. Define an additional conversion value for new customers (e.g.: +20% of AOV) and an even higher value for customers predicted to have a high customer lifetime value (e.g.: +50% of AOV)

  2. Integrate the updated conversion value in GAds with the following method: New Conversions (per google click id) ( )

    1. Create a new Conversion action in you Google Ads Account

    2. Select Import > Other Datasources or CRMs > Track conversions from clicks

    3. Select a Category and the conversion action name.💡 We highly recommend to select the “Secondary action not used for bidding optimisation“ optimization“ first when setting up the conversion action. This allows you to see the impact in GAds before using it for the bidding and serves as a test.

    4. Select different values for each conversion and set the default value to 0. For the count we want to have each conversion separately. The Click-through conversion window should be set to 90 days and the attribution should be data-driven.

    5. Hit create and continue to confirm your settings.

    6. Boxalino will prepare a datafeed.

    7. Use the feed to schedule uploads automatically.

  3. (optionally) implement an API real-time call to Boxalino in your Tracking Data Layer to send the adjusted conversion value right away when available to the Google Ads tracker.
