Concrete steps: Define a corrected value for a conversion based on the effective ERP margin or revenue (canceled value should be 0.- , returned article should lower the value accordingly, etc.) Corrected value for a conversion based on the effective ERP margin or revenue (canceled value should be 0.- , returned article should lower the value accordingly, etc.) An additional conversion value for new customers (e.g.: +20% of AOV) and an even higher value for customers predicted to have a high customer lifetime value (e.g.: +50% of AOV)
Integrate the updated conversion value in GAds with the following method: ( ) Look up the “Conversion action” name you use for the conversions that should be adjusted. Boxalino will prepare a datafeed. Use the feed to schedule uploads automatically. Image Added
(optionally) implement an API real-time call to Boxalino in your Tracking Data Layer to send the adjusted conversion value right away when available to the Google Ads tracker.