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Concrete steps: Validate the standard attribution of the products to the Margin, Customer, Zombie, Normal and Out Performance groups (tuning is possible if needed) Add a custom field in your Google Shopping feed with this new performance campaign groups Configure several Google Ads Campaign (one for each group) and associate different target ROAS with the following guideline 20%-30% lower target ROAS for the Margin and Customer Campaigns base-line target ROAS for the Normal and Zombie Campaigns filter out or at least put higher ROAS for the out campaign
. Correct
your Conversion Value
While segmenting your products in several performance campaigns (see point 4) is a good start, it is also interesting to modify the Conversion Value which is used by Google Ads to define your ROAS.
We can use another metric than the revenue, like for example the margin, as the definition of the conversion value.
We can add additional values when a new customer is acquired and an even higher value when the new customer is expected to have a high future customer lifetime value based on the first product(s) bought.
Concrete steps:
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Concrete steps: Define a corrected value for a conversion based on the effective ERP margin or revenue (canceled value should be 0.- , returned article should lower the value accordingly, etc.) Corrected value for a conversion based on the effective ERP margin or revenue (canceled value should be 0.- or taken out completely , returned article should lower the value accordingly, etc.) An additional conversion value for new customers (e.g.: +20% of AOV) and an even higher value for customers predicted to have a high customer lifetime value (e.g.: +50% of AOV)
Integrate the updated conversion value in GAds with one of the following methods : Adjusted Conversions (per transaction or google click id) method: (https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7686280?hl=en ) Look up the “Conversion action” name you use for the conversions that should be adjusted. Boxalino will prepare a datafeed. Use the feed to schedule uploads automatically
(optionally) implement an API real-time call to Boxalino in your Tracking Data Layer to send the adjusted conversion value right away when available to the Google Ads tracker.
6. Extend your Conversion Value
We can add additional values when a new customer is acquired and an even higher value when the new customer is expected to have a high future customer lifetime value based on the first product(s) bought.
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Concrete steps: Define an additional conversion value for new customers (e.g.: +20% of AOV) and an even higher value for customers predicted to have a high customer lifetime value (e.g.: +50% of AOV) Integrate the updated conversion value in GAds with the following method: New Conversions (per google click id) (https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7014069?hl=en ) Create a new Conversion action in you Google Ads Account https://ads.google.com/aw/conversions Select Import > Other Datasources or CRMs > Track conversions from clicks Image ModifiedSelect a Category and the conversion action name. Image ModifiedSelect different values for each conversion and set the default value to 0. For the count we want to have each conversion separately. The Click-through conversion window should be set to 90 days and the attribution should be data-driven. Image ModifiedHit create and continue to confirm your settings. Boxalino will prepare a datafeed. Use the feed to schedule uploads automatically
(optionally) implement an API real-time call to Boxalino in your Tracking Data Layer to send the adjusted conversion value right away when available to the Google Ads tracker.