We can add additional values when a new customer is acquired and an even higher value when the new customer is expected to have a high future customer lifetime value based on the first product(s) bought.
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Concrete steps: Define at least one of the followings: Corrected value for a conversion based on the effective ERP margin or revenue (canceled value should be 0.-, returned article should lower the value accordingly, etc.) An additional conversion value for new customers (e.g.: +20% of AOV) and an even higher value for customers predicted to have a high customer lifetime value (e.g.: +50% of AOV)
Integrate the updated conversion value in GAds with one of the following methods : Offline Conversion Tracking (https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7686280?hl=en ) Adjusted conversion (https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7014069?hl=en )
(optionally) implement an API real-time call to Boxalino in your Tracking Data Layer to send the adjusted conversion value right away when available to the Google Ads tracker
7. Target your Google Ads with Audiences