1 | project name | as will appear in your project`s list; |
2 | the requestor is the one managing the applications running on the project; this email will receive messages (alert and notifications) for when the project / application is ready to be used; | |
3 | client name | (also known as the Boxalino account name) this is to ensure the access to the views, core & reports dataset is shareddatasets |
4 | optional; the labels are used as project meta-information. see Labels | |
5 | optional; by default, the requestor will have full access and can further share with others. see Permissions |
Once the project is created (2-3 min), the requestor will have access to it, in their Google Cloud Console.
As an editor on the project, the requestor will be able to:
1 | instance.txt | properties for the VM machine (name, size, root path, etc) (see Instance instance.txt) | |||
2 | requirements.txt | environment requirements (for pip/anaconda install) (see Requirements requirements.txt)
| |||
3 | commands.txt | a list of commands to be executed as part of your application run process (see comands.txt) | |||
4 | your jupyter/python/application filesthe content of your application (in python, jupyter notebooks, etc) | 5 | env.yml | (optional) anaconda environment file; |
5 | your jupyter/python/application files | the content of your application (in python, jupyter notebooks, etc) |
Note |
The #1-#4 files must be named as instructed. They are used as a base for the application runstart-up. |
Infonote |
instance.txt, requirements.txt and commands.txt must end with an empty line (they are parsed dynamically) |
Info |
These files (and other required structures) must be uploaded in a GCS bucket. The GCS bucket path name is provided for the Application Launch Request |
Property | Default | Required | Description | |
1 | instance-name | project name | yes | the instance name is the VM name as appears in the Compute Engine view |
2 | machine-type | e2-micro | yes | the value depends on what the application needs: more CPU or more RAM? for options, please check the Google Cloud documentation |
3 | email-to | yes | the email is used once to receive an alert for when the VM is ready. | |
4 | root-dir | \/home\/project-name | no | the path on the server where the content of the GCS bucket is uploaded; |
5 | image-family | ubuntu-2004-lts | no | |
6 | boot-disk-size | 30 | no | |
7 | zone | europe-west1-b | no |
Info |
You can also include other commands same as the application has been tested on the local environment.
Code Block |
chmod -R 777 <root-dir value from instance.txt>/*
papermill <root-dir value from instance.txt>/process.ipynb <root-dir value from instance.txt>/process-output.ipynb |
Application Launch
Once the Required Files are uploaded in a GCS bucket from the project, contact Boxalino.
Provide the following information: