internal_id STRING NOT NULL OPTIONS(description="the internal identifier of the voucher")
, external_id STRING OPTIONS(description="the external identifier of the voucher (can be the same as the internal identifier)")
, voucher_products ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, name STRING, product_line STRING, product_group STRING, sku STRING, voucher STRING, value NUMERIC>> OPTIONS(description="products related to the voucher")
, voucher_products_attributes ARRAY<STRUCT<operator STRING, segments ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, name STRING, value STRING>>>> OPTIONS(description="product segments related to the voucher")
, type STRING OPTIONS(description="the type value)")
, ean STRING OPTIONS(description="the ean value)")
, label STRING OPTIONS(description="label of the voucher")
, creation DATETIME
, last_update DATETIME
, is_new BOOLEAN
, in_sales BOOLEAN
, product_relations ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, name STRING, product_line STRING, product_group STRING, sku STRING, voucher STRING, value NUMERIC>> OPTIONS(description="relations to other products")
, other_relations ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, name STRING, content_type STRING, content_id STRING, value NUMERIC>> OPTIONS(description="relations to other contents")
, stores ARRAY<STRING> OPTIONS(description="the stores")
, title ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>> OPTIONS(description="the title of the voucher")
, short_description ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>> OPTIONS(description="the short description of the voucher")
, description ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>> OPTIONS(description="the description of the voucher")
, images ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, value ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="the images of the voucher")
, brands ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING NOT NULL, value ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="the brands of the voucher")
, suppliers ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING NOT NULL, value ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="the suppliers of the voucher")
, categories ARRAY<STRUCT<categorization STRING NOT NULL, category_ids ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="the categories of the voucher")
, link ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>> OPTIONS(description="the link of the voucher")
, tags ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL, loc_values ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="the tags of the product line, e.g.: [STRUCT('tag', 'hello world', [STRUCT('de', 'hello world')])]")
, labels ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING NOT NULL, name STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL, loc_values ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="the labels of the voucher, e.g.: [STRUCT('symbol', 'delivery', '24h', [STRUCT('de', '24-H Versand')])]")
, pricing ARRAY<STRUCT<
customer_groups ARRAY<STRING NOT NULL>
, periods ARRAY<STRUCT<start_datetime ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value DATETIME NOT NULL>>, end_datetime ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value DATETIME NOT NULL>>>>
, list_price ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL, currency STRING NOT NULL>> OPTIONS(description="price before any discount")
, sales_price ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL, currency STRING NOT NULL>> OPTIONS(description="price displayed to the customer after discounts")
, voucher_percentage_value ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL, currency STRING NOT NULL>> OPTIONS(description="price before any discount")
, voucher_absolute_value ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL, currency STRING NOT NULL>> OPTIONS(description="price before any discount")
, gross_margin ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL, currency STRING NOT NULL>> OPTIONS(description="the sales gross margin as an absolute value")
, periods ARRAY<STRUCT<start_datetime ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value DATETIME NOT NULL>>, end_datetime ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value DATETIME NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="information about the activity periods of the voucher")
, stock ARRAY<STRUCT<availability STRING, delivery_center STRING, value INT64>> OPTIONS(description="the current stock")
, visibility ARRAY<STRUCT<customer_groups ARRAY<STRING NOT NULL>, values ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value INT64 NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="the product visibility :VISIBILITY_NOT_VISIBLE = 1; VISIBILITY_IN_CATALOG = 2; VISIBILITY_IN_SEARCH = 3; VISIBILITY_BOTH = 4;")
, status ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value INT64 NOT NULL>> OPTIONS(description="the product status")
, string_attributes ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, name STRING NOT NULL, values ARRAY<STRING NOT NULL>>> OPTIONS(description="additional string (not localized) attributes of the voucher")
, localized_string_attributes ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, name STRING NOT NULL, values ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value STRING NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="additional localized string attributes of the voucher")
, numeric_attributes ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, name STRING NOT NULL, values ARRAY<NUMERIC NOT NULL>>> OPTIONS(description="additional numeric (not localized) attributes of the voucher")
, localized_numeric_attributes ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, name STRING NOT NULL, values ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value NUMERIC NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="additional localized numeric attributes of the voucher")
, datetime_attributes ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, name STRING NOT NULL, values ARRAY<DATETIME NOT NULL>>> OPTIONS(description="additional datetime (not localized) attributes of the voucher")
, localized_datetime_attributes ARRAY<STRUCT<type STRING, name STRING NOT NULL, values ARRAY<STRUCT<language STRING NOT NULL, value DATETIME NOT NULL>>>> OPTIONS(description="additional localized datetime attributes of the voucher")
, creation_tm DATETIME NOT NULL OPTIONS(description="technical field")
, client_id INT64 NOT NULL OPTIONS(description="technical field")
, src_sys_id INT64 NOT NULL OPTIONS(description="technical field")
OPTIONS(description="The languages of the data (must match the "); |